Christmas is about family to me. Our families have always found a way to be together at Christmastime. This Christmas will be different.
This will be the first Christmas without my husband’s mom. Since my parents and brother have died in the last couple of years, I still feel heavy-hearted as I realize they will no longer be part of our celebrations. And yet, I know it can be a happy time amidst the sense of loss.
Holiday Memories
It is hard to describe what certain family members mean to me, and even harder to describe the memories they bring. Part of the season is spent reflecting on the memories. I think that is one of the neat things about Christmas — it’s a time to think about and cherish memories. Christmas is a collage of traditions, and just being with family brings up these special memories.
A COVID Christmas
But this year because of the pandemic, in addition to missing family members we’ve lost this year, we won’t be able to gather with everyone else and have everyone sleep in the same home. I will so miss having the grandchildren coming in to snuggle or just relax with me early in the morning.
If we can’t be together, we might not even think about some of the memories.
Jingled Nerves
I’m feeling nervous, even afraid, about Christmas this year. I don’t know how to prepare. As I think about the risk of getting together during this pandemic, I’m anxious. I have no idea what to expect — everything is so different from the past.
Plus, with all that is going on and has gone on, I feel scattered about my preparations of gifts, food and decorations. Those things usually bring me joy, but how will that be different?
Finding an Attitude of Gratitude
We’ve always looked forward to Christmas, but things are not like they have always been. My husband, Mickey, and I talked about our feelings about how different Christmas is this year, and we decided that we will set our minds on all the blessings we have! It is a time of thankfulness for the gifts that are not in the boxes, but of each other.
How can our attitudes make a difference for our family this Christmas?
Written by : Linda Wheeler

Linda and her husband, Mickey, have been a presenting couple for Marriage Encounter Experiences and have held several leadership positions since 1984. They live in Texas near their only son and his family. For fun Linda enjoys time with the granddaughters, taking walks, reading and working puzzles.